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03-04-09 Public Hearing/Budget


MARCH 4, 2009


PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr., Majority Leader
Marcia A. Leclerc, Minority Leader Donald H. Pitkin, Councillors Marc I.
Weinberg, Barbara-Ann Rossi, Linda A. Russo, Patricia A. Harmon,
and Eric Thompson


Chair Kehoe called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m.  He announced the exit locations in
accordance with Connecticut General Statutes § 29-381.

The Chair gave a brief overview of the Mayor’s recommended 2009-2010 budget.

The following citizens came forth to speak:

John Bezzini, 92 Copper Beech Way, commended Mayor Currey for recommending a budget that does not increase property taxes and asked that the Council support her budget.  
Mr. Bezzini suggested that the Council, along with the Mayor, petition state legislators to revise the current laws that impact property taxes, especially state mandates and binding arbitration.

Susan Kniep, 46-50 Olde Roberts Street, thanked Mayor Currey for proposing a budget with no property tax increase. Ms. Kniep asked that the Council and the Mayor try to convince state legislators to support changes to binding arbitration laws as proposed by Governor Rell.  Also, Ms. Kniep suggested that state legislators come before the Town Council to explain how the state budget impacts the town’s residents at the local level.

Michelle Ranney, 1663 Main Street, stated that the Charter should be revised to coincide with when the state sets its budget.  This would allow the town to have a better handle on any funds coming through ECS money.

Jon Searles, 51 Spaulding Circle, commended the efforts of Mayor Currey in preparing a budget that does not increase property taxes. Mr. Searles read from a statement that he had prepared and asked that copies be provided to the Council and to members of the Board of Education.  In that statement, he suggested that some maintenance items which are part of the 5-year capital improvement plan, such as rolling stock replacements, should be funded.  Mr. Searles also stated that the Board of Education had failed to make meaningful reductions in their budget and limited their reductions only to levels required to balance the budget.


MOTION  By Don Pitkin
                seconded Bill Horan
                to adjourn (7:46 p.m.).
                Motion carried 9/0.

                                                                       Angela Attenello
                                                                     Town Council Clerk